The kick-off
For those very few of you who have been missing my byline (hi, Mom and Dad!), I have good news. The Herald News’ soccer writer, Ives Galarcep, has gone rogue and left the paper to start his own soccer media empire. Since his departure, I have been tapped to write our paper’s soccer blog. Last week, we launched The International Fixture. It’s a chance for me to write about the culture and passion of soccer’s players and supporters. The blog will hopefully focus on the game around the world and how it resonates with people in the North Jersey and New York City area.
So if you’re at all interested in the beautiful game, stop by and check it out. It’s a hobby that I’ll try to squeeze in when my regular editing responsibilities allow, but I think it will be a fun chance to write about one of my favorite pasttimes. We’ll see how it goes.
For those who aren’t soccer aficionados, don’t despair. I’ll keep sharing my tips and experiences in the newspaper business here on my personal site, as well.